Marriage & Family Therapy / Adult Individuals / Couples & Sex Therapy
Teenagers / Parents of Teenagers
Healing begins when we are willing to see
our suffering as a stepping stone
rather than a stumbling block

Anxiety | Stress
General Anxiety, Social Anxiety, OCD, ADD/ ADHD, Panic, Separation Anxiety, PTSD
Mild anxiety is a part of being human. It helps you stay focused when you're preparing for an important event and use caution when you're in harm's way. Too much anxiety however, can feel overwhelming and "out-of-control." It can cause fight, flight or freeze responses, and create disruptive or disabling distress in your relationships and day-to-day life. Many people experience consistently high levels of stress, panic attacks, ruminating or negative thought patterns, rigid black-and-white thinking, perfectionism, and worries about the past or the future.
The good news is that learning how to regulate, understand, and manage anxiety is not only possible but also one of the most common and successfully treatable mental health issues in the United States.

Depression | Sadness
Depression can be a debilitating condition that affects how you think, feel, behave, and function. It's more than just feeling "blue" or down for a few days. It can manifest as ongoing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, powerlessness and disinterest in life that can cause high levels of distress. Whether it's acute suffering or a persistent experience of low mood, depression can make it seem like there's no way out. But it's important to remember that depression is a treatable condition, and no matter what form or intensity it takes, you are not alone and help is available. Please reach out and begin your transformation.

Couples | Sex | Intimacy
Established couples, new couples, premarital, second marriages, blended families, polyamory, singles, dating, friendships
Heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, transgender relationships
Sexual problems, sexual exploration
Love and being loved are fundamental aspects of our humanity. In relationships, conflicts and hurt can arise, leaving both partners feeling distressed. Unresolved issues can lead to blame, anger, or avoidance, resulting in misunderstandings, sadness, and disconnection. It's important to recognize that childhood experiences often shape our adult relationships, even without our conscious awareness. Developing emotional insight, empathy, and effective communication requires emotional awareness and practice. A healthy relationship is a shared, dynamic journey of resolution and evolution for both partners and for the couple. Challenges in relationships are common. Sustaining healthy relationships can bring immense joy and fulfillment to our lives.

Parenting for Parents of Teenagers
Single Parents, Coupled Parents, Stepparents, Parents of Adopted Children
Parenting teenagers is a rewarding yet challenging journey. While there are moments when parents navigate the uncertainties of raising their kids and hope for the best, honing your intuition and skills can provide valuable guidance.
Fostering positive qualities and character traits in your teenager requires deliberate guidance on your part. This involves creating opportunities for your child to think and make their own choices, learn from their mistakes, and tolerate frustration as they set out to accomplish their goals.
Frequently indulging their needs or shouldering their responsibilities can foster unhealthy dependence, diminish their self-esteem, and hinder their ability to face life's challenges. Conversely, employing an overly authoritarian parenting style may undermine their self-confidence, fuel anxiety, and restrict their independent thinking. Striking a balance between kindness and firmness, employing love and logic, fostering positive values, providing opportunities for growth and development, and implementing effective consequences that encourage responsible behavior and emotional intelligence are essential. These practices not only benefit your teenager but also alleviate your stress, foster more meaningful family time, and enhance your confidence as a parent.